GP Connect integration with CareLineLive


CareLineLive is one of only a handful of home care management software providers that offers integration with GP Connect.

GP Connect integration allows your users to view an individual’s GP record. This enables clinical and non-clinical professionals alike to view information relating to the direct care of a service user.

GP connect with CareLineLive

What is GP Connect?

GP Connect is a program implemented by the NHS in England to facilitate seamless sharing of patient information between different healthcare systems. By allowing health and care professionals to access and share patient records electronically, GP Connect aims to enhance the quality and efficiency of care delivery.

CareLineLive has a seamless integration with GP Connect that provides access to a service user’s GP record. Authorised health and social care workers can use it to access their patient’s GP records, such as problems and issues, allergies and adverse reactions, medications, and more.

GP Connect how it works with CareLineLive

How GP Connect integration works

GP Connect integration allows read-only access of an individual’s GP record. This enables non-clinical professionals, such as your nominated staff, to view a subset of the service user’s record.

Authorised health and social care workers can view vital information, such as allergies and adverse reactions, to ensure safe and effective care delivery.

​GP Connect facilitates data sharing and enhances communication between home care providers and general practitioners by integrating GP systems, improving patient care coordination and access to vital health information.

Once enabled in your CareLineLive environment, a GP Connect tab will be available within each client’s record. You will be required to nominate users that will be allowed to open GP Connect, and provide their professional registration information if they are permitted to access the full GP Connect record.

You will be asked to capture evidence that the service user has consented to their GP record being accessed. This can be captured through the Client Choices tool within CareLineLive.

The care professional enters the client’s NHS number and Date of Birth into CareLineLive which then requests the data from GP Connect. The medical record is then displayed within CareLineLive for the care professional to read.


What customers think of GP Connect
Here’s Alice Allen, Deputy Manager at North Shropshire Homecare, on their experience of using GP Connect and it’s integration with CareLineLive which she describes as a ‘godsend’.
Interview with the team from Nurseplus in Southampton on their early experience of working with CareLineLive’s integration with GP Connect.
Recording of webinar showing GP Connect in action.

What are the benefits of using GP Connect?

Medical Conditions and Medication

Access to service user information

Providers can access up-to-date information about a service user’s medical history, current medications, allergies and care plans directly from GP records. This ensures that care decisions are based on the latest available data, reducing the risk of errors or omissions.

Access to comprehensive service user information supports better clinical care and decision-making by integrating data from GP practices, leading to faster, safer and more effective treatment outcomes.

With access to a comprehensive view of the service user’s medical history, providers can understand the context of the care they are providing, which allows for more informed and personalised care.

visit verification 2

Enhanced continuity of care

GP Connect ensures that different care professionals involved in a service user’s care have consistent information. This continuity is crucial for providing effective care, especially when multiple healthcare providers are involved.

When an individual is discharged from a hospital or transitions between different care settings, GP Connect ensures that care providers have immediate access to the information needed to continue care seamlessly.

Capacity Planning

Increased efficiency

Reduced paperwork: By providing electronic access to service users’ records, GP Connect minimises the need for paper-based communication and manual data entry, reducing the administrative burden on home care providers.

Faster decision-making: Rather than opening a conversation with a GP and waiting for information to be transferred, GP Connect provides immediate access to relevant service user information allowing care staff to make timely and accurate decisions, improving the overall efficiency of care delivery.

Care Assessments

Improved service user safety

Medication management: With accurate and up-to-date medication information, home care providers can have confidence they are providing the correct and suitable treatment avoiding potentially harmful interactions, improving service user safety.

Allergy alerts: GP Connect provides alerts about service user allergies, helping to prevent allergic reactions and ensuring that care providers can take necessary precautions. Any updates made by the GP are seen the next time the user makes a request to view.

Carer and Client Reviews

Better communication

Integrated care approach: GP Connect facilitates better communication and collaboration between GPs, hospital staff and home care providers, promoting an integrated approach to the care of service users.

The integration of GP systems within GP Connect enhances data sharing and ensures direct connections to GP records, improving patient care coordination and access to vital health information.

Shared care plans: By enabling access to shared care plans, home care providers can work more effectively with other healthcare professionals to ensure that all aspects of a service user’s care are coordinated.

Medical Conditions

Enhanced patient experience

Reduced need for repetition: Service users no longer need to repeat their medical history or medication details to multiple healthcare providers, which enhances their experience and satisfaction with the care they receive.

Person centred care: Access to comprehensive service user information allows home care providers to tailor their services to meet the specific needs and preferences of each service user, leading to more personalised and effective care.

Compliance with data protection regulations

GP Connect and CareLineLive use secure methods to ensure that service user information is shared in compliance with data protection regulations, such as GDPR. This helps home care providers maintain high standards of data security and patient confidentiality.

Can I use GP Connect if I’m not in England?

No, you must be both registered with the Care Quality Commission and NHS England in order to access GP Connect.

Can I access GP Connect if I’m not a clinical professional?

Yes – however without an appropriate professional registration you will only have access to a subset of the information available.

Where can I read more about GP Connect?

The NHS Digital website has information about who can use GP Connect, how to use it, and other important information.

Can I access GP Connect before we’ve started delivering care to a client?

No, GP Connect can only be used for Direct Care purposes.