Recent product updates to CareLineLive

We have released a number of new features to our software. These were detailed for customers in release notes but here is a summary of changes and improvements.
Sean Orrell
5th August 2024

In recent weeks we have released a number of new features to our software. These have all been detailed for customers in our release notes but below is a summary of changes and improvements.

Document filters

Customers may now filter documents by type, starred status, visibility and more.

Full address in roster

When you hover your mouse over bookings you will now see the full address instead of just the post code.

full address in roster

Visits report

This now shows “marker not scanned reason” for check-outs, in addition to check-ins.

Public holiday indicator

Public holidays are now shown on the roster.

Agenda audit log

When you send agendas via email this is now recorded in the audit log.

Ad-hoc bookings

Ad-hoc bookings may now be created in the middle of existing bookings by holding the ‘B’ or ‘N’ keys.

Filter by default team

This is a new filter option for carers and clients.

Work pattern input

Work patterns now accept decimal places which was a feature requested by multiple providers.

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