Buying home care software without the tears and buyers remorse: Webinar Recording

Rather than being a sales pitch for CareLineLive our recent webinar gave the inside track on what to look for when buying home care software.
What are the crucial factors to consider in home care software selection to avoid costly mistakes
Marie Page
23rd May 2024

Rather than being a sales pitch for CareLineLive our recent webinar gave the inside track on what to look for when buying home care software. There are all manner of pitfalls for the unsuspecting home care provider to be aware of. This 30 minute webinar neatly covers off everything you need to consider and what questions you should be asking of software providers.

The webinar is presented by our Managing Director, Josh Hough and introduced by Marketing Manager, Marie Page.

Watch the webinar recording by clicking the YouTube video link below.

You can also download the slide deck here.

This webinar aim was to equip you with the all the key considerations you need to be aware of when you procure new software. There was also an interesting Q&A section at the end which we’ve edited with additional information post webinar.

  • The Mid and South Essex case reablement case study referenced can be found here.
  • There were a couple of questions about CareLineLive’s assessment templates (forms). You can read more here.

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