CareLineLive achieves Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation

CareLineLive has been awarded Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation, a Government backed scheme used to protect against a range of the most common cyber attacks.
Cyber Essentials Plus
Marie Page
29th November 2023

CareLineLive has been awarded Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation. Cyber Essentials is a Government backed scheme used to protect organisations against a range of the most common cyber attacks.

There are two levels of certification:

Cyber Essentials which CareLineLive has had for several years
This is a self-assessment process that gives the organisation protection against a wide variety of the most common cyber attacks. This is important because vulnerability to basic attacks can mark an organisation out as target for more in-depth unwanted attention from cyber criminals and others.

Certification gives peace of mind that the defences in place protect against the vast majority of common cyber attacks simply because these attacks are looking for targets which do not have the Cyber Essentials technical controls in place.

Cyber Essentials Plus
Cyber Essentials Plus covers the same levels of protection as for Cyber Essentials but with Plus a hands-on technical verification is carried out by an external auditor.

This accreditation joins our other cyber security protections which include certification with ISO 27001 and the NHS Data Security Protection Toolkit.


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