The UK government has set a target for 80% of CQC registered providers to have digital social care records by March 2024 – that’s less than a year away!
If home care administration and regulatory compliance is taking up much of your time and you’re worried that your paper-based processes will not get you through your next CQC inspection, take a look at CareLineLive.
Paperless care records, digital client and carer data
Our all-in-one system will hold all your care records and client and carer data in one place and will help you with rostering, call monitoring, care management including eMAR and will automate processes like invoicing and payroll.
The data can be shared with all stakeholders in real-time. Carers can see rota changes as notifications on their mobiles, management can get alerts for late and missed visits and multiple reports give insights into the performance of the business and allow evidence to be shared with regulatory bodies.
There’s a Care Circle portal for updates and communications to family, friends and loved ones and other external stakeholders such as community health professionals and emergency services.
Digital integration
Our software integrates with accounting and payroll software like Sage and Xero, Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains and systems used by local authorities such as CM2000 and ContrOCC.

Access your data anywhere on any device
Being cloud-hosted software, not only can you access it from any internet-enabled device without needing to install expensive server hardware and infrastructure, but all new product improvements and enhancements are seamlessly rolled out to you. This way of delivering our software also means that we look after all the security requirements including data protection, back-ups and 24/7 availability.
Want to know more?
Our all-in-one home care management software will help you go digital with ease.
Our simple, affordable and transparent pricing with fair contract terms also give you peace of mind.
Contact us today for a demonstration.