Reablement software

A solution for ever increasing demand, dwindling resources and chronic understaffing. Save time, money and reduce stress with CareLineLive’s family of software solutions, which include advanced care management features to enhance overall care service quality.

Reablement Software

Importance of person-centred care in reablement services

Person-centred care is a fundamental principle of reablement services, focusing on the unique needs, preferences and goals of each service user and doing so within the timeline for reablement, usually up to 6 weeks. Reablement software plays a crucial role in supporting person-centred care.

Creating personalised care plans

Care professionals can use reablement software to develop care plans that address the specific needs and goals of each service user, ensuring that the care provided is both relevant and effective

Facilitating communication and collaboration

The software enables effective communication and collaboration between care professionals, service users and their families, ensuring that everyone involved is on the same page and working towards the same goals

Promoting autonomy and involvement

Service users have access to their care plans and progress, allowing them to be more involved in the care planning process. This promotes a sense of autonomy and encourages service users to take an active role in their care

Enabling feedback on service delivery

The software enables visit notes, tasks and progress details to be captured by care staff at the point of care delivery and seamlessly synchronised with the back office care planning and scheduling system, so if any changes are required, they can be made promptly, maximising the likelihood of successful reablement within the timeline

Supporting optimum use of reablement service resources

The software can manually or automatically optimise the use of care staff resources, and match staff with the care tasks required aiding productivity but not at the expense of quality


Ensure the safety of service users with robust safeguarding features. CareLineLive provides real-time monitoring, automated alerts and digital records that help carers identify and report concerns quickly. With secure audit trails and compliance tracking, managers can ensure accountability and respond proactively to safeguarding issues

Efficient and effective reablement services are crucial

With a growing elderly population it is clear that the UK is struggling to sufficiently resource health and social care provision.

There is, however, an opportunity for technology to do the necessary heavy lifting to achieve unprecedented efficiencies with more effective resource utilisation and increased capacity gains.

Technology is very capable of accomplishing this. Our contract with South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland hugely increased their home care provision capacity without additional recruitment. Over a period of eight months, an additional 3,919 hours of capacity were created (a £73k value) with no additional recruitment or agency staff hires. The Trust has saved £35k a year on postage alone – more than enough to cover the costs of using CareLineLive.

Our care management solution enhances visibility and efficiency in service delivery, including the creation and monitoring of care and reablement plans. The deployment of such technology does not have to be expensive; SE Trust found that it paid for its software solution from the savings made on postage costs alone.

A better way to manage reablement care runs and rotas with mobile workforce management

Reablement care is mostly short-term with service users constantly joining and leaving. This makes carer runs and rotas hard to manage and control manually, especially with more traditional systems which rapidly waste time and money.

Care workers find these inefficiencies frustrating with bottlenecks of calls impacting on their travel time and also on their working relationships with service users. They know their time could be better spent than driving between disjointed appointments.

Mobile workforce management solutions streamline scheduling and improve access to vital user information, supporting care quality and patient-centred care.

Software solutions from CareLineLive and CareFor give you a way to rapidly update service user details and visit requirements, and then instantly publish optimised runs and rotas. With one click you could produce runs for each staff member that incur optimum travel time and mileage, without compromising the quality of the care delivered or the outcomes achieved.

Reablement care plans
Reablement care software

Future proof your care with our proven technology

With an ageing population and better integrated health and care services, demand for reablement care is growing.

Our end-to-end solution encompasses various functionalities such as real-time support monitoring and planning capabilities, ensuring effective scheduling and goal planning, ultimately enhancing care service quality.

The CareFor CAREBooster feature (for scheduling visit by visit) and CareFor’s Rounds Builder feature (for working in Runs or Rounds) from C4 Ulysses will help you take on more service users without a proportional increase in staff. These features also produce immediate savings in mileage costs.

One authority that adopted the CareFor solution saved £2000 per month on travel costs alongside significant savings in travel time. CareFor’s CAREBooster is probably the ultimate in self-funding technology. It’s also fully secure and compliant with GDPR.

Freeing up acute care beds – work with reablement services

CareLineLive has a history of working with NHS contracts including work with Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust (MSEFT) which was shortlisted for a Laing Buisson award. By utilising CareLineLive within an innovative model of discharge the Trust has been able to release 60 hospital beds a day into home care and reablement services.

Reablement service providers benefit from dedicated solutions that address major challenges and improve service quality.


Free up acute nhs beds

Customer Success Story

John Walter, General Manager of Integrated Care at Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust

John Walter
“CareLineLive has helped us take our service into the 21st Century. It is a fantastic electronic record solution for any service that has a need for remote patient care in the community. It enables staff to work remotely, document remotely and be scheduled electronically. It has enabled us to improve efficiency, capacity and reimagine patient care.

CareLineLive is a great solution if you want to be more efficient, transform your services and future proof your ways of working and delivering patient care. It helps services be more sustainable, be more GDPR compliant and mitigate against data issues. It is also scalable and functions in real time so we always have an up-to-date assessment of what is happening with each patient.”