CareLineLive: Star carer for June – Jayne Pearson

Jayne's manager says that she the most conscientious and reliable team member they have. She only knows one type of care, and that is above and beyond.
Merina Martin
31st July 2024

Reading through our Star Carer nominations never fails to disappoint and this month’s winner certainly deserved the nomination. Jayne Pearson was nominated by her Registered Manager Kat Nicholls from Delta Care, Blackpool.

This is what Kat said about Jayne:

Jayne is one of our most experienced care workers, and has worked for Delta Care from day one in Blackpool. She is quite simply the most conscientious and reliable team member we have, she only knows one type of care, and that is above and beyond. She has created a swap shop library for the clients, which includes jigsaws, and books with the occasional DVD and is 100% the centre of every celebration making sure her clients feel they are at the event, not just watching from home, whether that be football, Olympics, or King’s Trooping of the Colour. Jayne is a breath of fresh air in every clients home, and the team’s main cheerleader.

Jayne, what was your reaction to winning CareLineLive’ s Star Carer Award?

I was thrilled to find out I was nominated, as Kat had kept that a secret, I was completely shocked! I had just popped in to the office when Kat received the call. What a wonderful surprise.

What aspects of being a carer do you enjoy?

I just enjoy being with people and talking to them, I just like every bit of the job, I get the most job satisfaction from seeing the needs being met of my clients, knowing that I am a positive in their week. They look forward to me visiting as much as I look forward to supporting them. I make it my mission to make sure they are involved in the outside world, at Easter I helped them take part in our virtual Easter bonnet parade, I have made sure they feel part of the community whilst celebrating national football, royal occasions, and not to forget becoming Nanna Elf for Elf Day in December. It is all the little extra parts that make care enjoyable.

How does CareLineLive’s Carer Companion App help in your job?

This App is brilliant, it means when I get to a visit I am getting there prepared, I have been able to see the handover notes and any changes made prior to me arriving, it means I can communicate well and instantly with the office if I have any concerns.

What are the challenges in your job?

The challenges change daily, we have communication issues, families that have different expectations to the client themselves, and balancing that is one heck of trick. Clients who don’t want to accept the help, but know they need it, and deterioration of clients, once you have done the hard work of building a relationship with them, that is hardest challenge of them all.

How do you switch off after a hard day at work?

My family is how I unwind after a busy week, my grandchildren, and husband, and not forgetting my Max (dog). Spending time with them in our camper is the just the best way to clear my mind.

Changes to our star carer award

We’ve got some exciting news for you!

From September we are going to change up our Star Carer Award to a Shining Star Award. This will be open to nominations for anyone working in a care agency setting as we realise that it is not only carers working hard for service users, and indeed supporting other staff. We will email of all our customers in September with further details.


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