Moa from Maria’s Homecare Companions won the February Star Carer award for her compassion and empathy towards her clients. Moa started working in care last November but has been a fantastic asset to her team and clients alike with her positive, happy attitude and her attention to detail with the care she provides. Her colleagues describe her as a ‘a brilliant all-round carer and demonstrates to her clients nothing is ever too much.’
Thanks for all your hard work and dedication Moa, and congratulations on being CareLineLive’s February Star Carer!
What was your reaction to winning CareLineLive’s February Star Carer Award?
I was really surprised as I have not worked in care that long, I started in November last year and Maria’s Homecare Companions is a really nice company to work with as they have helped me and made me feel comfortable from the start.
What aspects of being a carer do you enjoy?
It’s a very rewarding role, I like caring and working with people and I think you grow as a person as you learn so much from everyone. It’s nice to see you are making a difference to someone’s day as when you are visiting them you are making them happy.
How does CareLineLive’s Carer Companion App help you in your job?
It is a very easy app to use as you have access to all the information you need for all the clients and you can also see anything that has happened during previous visits. Everyone needs different care so it helps you deliver the best care for everyone. It also gives access to your rota so you can plan your day…it’s really good.
For managers, they can also use it to ensure that you have attended a visit on time because if you don’t check-in they are informed on the management portal so they can be responsive.
What’s are the challenges in your role?
The hard thing is to see when a client’s health gets worse. Also sometimes visits go very quickly and I wish had a bit longer to spend with the clients.
How do you switch off after a hard day at work?
I like nature so I like to go for a walk, I also like to play football and do photography.