CareFor is now part of the CareLineLive family of software
Care Planning, Compliance,
Client Safety and Reporting
Record and share all the different elements that enable comprehensive care planning for your service users that allows client safety to be paramount. Audit trails enable a tracing of which users have created, edited and deleted data records.
Streamlined insights-driven reporting solutions for better compliance
A comprehensive range of reports enable users to extract relevant information and insights from all the data recorded and captured within the system.
Better systems mean better care
A full range of templates allow you to create a comprehensive record of the condition and needs of a service user. These range from About Me to Continence Management to Medication Management.
Minimise paper records by customising your own digital forms where you can streamline and improve data capture. If the assessment templates do not quite allow information capture as you require, with CareLineLive’s customised form function you can create your own risk assessments, audits and care plans.
Medical conditions and medication
A structured section to capture information about a service user’s ongoing medication conditions, injuries, DNAR wishes and medication to be administered.
Structured forms to allow you to capture information about food and drink, supplements and fortifications, meals and meal times.
Create structured categories of health indicators that need to be recorded, including blood pressure, blood glucose and catheter output.
Auditing tools that capture the necessary trail of record creation and other relevant data that can be used to document the quality of your work and contribute to your ratings with regulatory bodies such as CQC, Care Inspectorate, Care Inspectorate of Wales and RQIA.
Access your data easily and know changes have been properly recorded to improve compliance. Rostering changes documented, eMAR charts auditing medication administration, auditing of financial recalculations.
With a customisable alert system and audit data, you’ll have your finger on the pulse of your business at all times and be able to make informed decisions when you need to in order to drive growth and improvements. It helps to manage your team, with care provisioning, carer punctuality, task completion, and service reviews.
Carer and client reviews
Schedule carer and client reviews and spot checks to improve compliance and standards. Training and qualification requirements for carers can be recorded and notifications for expiry reviews allow you to ensure that safety is prioritised. A visual training matrix chart allows you to see a single chart showing every carer’s training and qualification record including gaps.
Store documents, such as PDFs and images, against carers and clients so that you always have all the relevant information you could need at your fingertips, from client care plans to carer training certificates. There are options to make documents viewable by carers in the Carer Companion App and by friends and family in the Care Circle Portal.
Send PDF documents, for example consent forms, for an e-signature by email to carers, clients, their relatives, or another stakeholder relating to a client’s care.
With carers able to access important client documents remotely via the Carer Companion App, you can be confident that carers always have the latest information to hand when planning or attending a visit.
Client safety
Peace of mind when it comes to client safety through visit verification and detailed notes available for managers as well as friends and family
Visit verification
Complete visibility of client visits including carer check-in and check-out times by GPS, completion of tasks, care provisioning notes and alerts.
On-site QR code for verified check-in with alerts if carers are late or a visit is missed. Alerts are raised for late or missed visits – these are notified to office managers and improves service user safeguarding.
Meet local government authorities’ requirements for electronic call monitoring using our Carer Companion app.
CareLineLive means that you always have an up-to-date record of each visit and where your carers’ last check-ins or check-outs were, which in turn improves invoicing, rostering and client care.
Family members can check carer visits using the Care Circle portal knowing the details are completely up to date and accurate. Carers can be confident that there is an accurate record of their visiting hours and location. You can be reassured that you’re delivering a safe and punctual service.
Incident Reporting
Record and track incidents in a highly structured way. The process will guide in recording what type of incident, the severity, who was affected, any involvement from other people, time of incident and when it was reported. Furthermore, this information is linked to contextual information such as whether the incident occurred during a care visit, carers involved and notes from the carers.
The results of investigations made will be recorded in a similar structured way and any outcomes too.
Carer concerns
Carers can raise concerns at multiple points of data recording during a visit. Concerns will record the severity level of the concern, who the client is, what the concern is in relation to (e.g. an observation record), the care visit details, the carer’s details and comments. A concern record can be acknowledged and eventually marked resolved. An incident report can be started directly from a concern record.
Contingency planning
React more quickly when something unexpected happens, improve risk management and plan more effectively.
Assign priorities to service users using a RAG system so that at times of emergencies a RAG report enables the optimal use of available resources so that safety is maximised.
Real time reports with filters provide valuable data and insights which not only allows you to predict and avoid issues but also to make important business efficiencies and improvements.
Gather valuable insights and data with multiple reports in different business areas to improve your processes and compliance from financial information to carer utilisation.
Using our reports you can gather valuable data to help drive business growth and improve efficiencies as well as improving standards of care, career job satisfaction and achieve greater levels of compliance.
Export your reports in spreadsheet format and print as needed.
Real time insights and data produced in an easy to understand format mean improved management and improved care.