CareLineLive re-certified for ISO 9001 and 27001

CareLineLive has successfully been re-assessed and certified by QMS International for the ISO 9001 and 27001 management system requirements.
Marie Page
8th August 2022

We are delighted to report that CareLineLive (and parent company MAS Technicae Group) have successfully been re-assessed and certified by QMS International for the ISO 9001 and 27001 management system requirements.

ISO 9001 is an internationally recognised set of standards that help organisations ensure they meet quality management principles, statutory and regulatory requirements. The business processes that ISO accredited organisations comply with mean that we strive to consistently improve quality, meet customer requirements and enhance their satisfaction. The system covers organisational goals and aspirations, policies, processes, documented information, and resources needed to implement and maintain it.

ISO 27001 deals with information security management and sets out the policies and procedures needed to protect organisation and includes all the risk controls (legal, physical and technical) necessary for robust IT security management.

As well as compliance with internationally recognised standards of information security, these processes ensure that we keep confidential information secure, minimise risk exposure and enhances customer satisfaction.

CareLineLive’s MD Josh Hough said “As a business with access to thousands of confidential client records, we take security and confidentiality extremely seriously. ISO 9001 and 27001 accreditation is a significant and important compliance process that all our staff have been part of to achieve.”

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