Purple socks supporting entrepreneurs with disabilities

CareLineLive teams in purple socks in recognition of IDDP & to support disabled entrepreneurs. Founder Josh Hough has an invisible disability
Marie Page
29th November 2022

The CareLineLive teams got together to wear purple socks in recognition of International Day of Disabled Persons which takes place annually on the 3rd of December. This year’s theme was transformative solutions for inclusive development: the role of innovation in fuelling an accessible and equitable world.

CareLineLive was founded by Josh Hough, after his grandfather became ill and needed home care. Josh himself has an invisible disability, a rare muscle condition called Minicore Myopathy, but despite the challenges he’s faced, he has led CareLineLive from an idea to a successful, thriving business that is today working with a range of home care agencies across the globe.

To mark and celebrate this day, Parallel, a disability lifestyle brand, created Purple Sock Day. A simple initiative with the aim to engage the nation with one, effortless, single act of united solidarity – to buy and wear a pair of their purple socks. The company has teamed up with BAM Clothing, the sustainable activewear company, who have designed the official socks for the day where 50% of proceeds from the sales will provide grants, professional advice, mentoring, networking opportunities, and tailored business support to D/deaf, disabled, and neurodiverse entrepreneurs.

Parallel hopes this will raise positive awareness of disability inclusion; whilst also helping to create a new Parallel Fund to provide grants and professional support to kick-start disability owned businesses and help disabled entrepreneurs.

CareLineLive’s MD, Josh Hough commented “I am very proud to be supporting and celebrating International Day of Disabled Persons, particularly in support of neurodiverse entrepreneurs and those who suffer from invisible disabilities. I have a muscle condition disorder, which has had an effect on my life, however, I have still been able to build and create success with CareLineLive.

This month I was a finalist at the Great British Entrepreneur awards in the category of Young Entrepreneur of the Year and met the team behind Purple Sock Day. I bought their socks for all the CareLineLive staff and we had fun in the office posing for photos. My drive has been about being successful, proving people wrong and showing that anything is achievable. This is why I feel it is important to support other entrepreneurs with disabilities, to help highlight that it’s possible to overcome barriers. Purple Sock Day has been a great way to spread awareness and raise money for causes which support disabled people and their goals.”

Parallel Lifestyle Founder, Andrew Douglass said: “I think Josh epitomises the rich seam of young disabled business talent in the UK. His recent success at the Great British Entrepreneur Awards helps to shine a positive light on the huge potential of D/deaf, disabled, and neurodiverse entrepreneurs and the exponential benefits they can deliver for the UK economy. However, our disabled entrepreneurs need far more support. This is why we are combining sustainable style with social impact through our Purple Sock Day campaign, so we can help unlock the vast potential of brilliant entrepreneurs like Josh”.

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