by Marie Page | Company News
Following on from the success of the #First100 UK Digital Health Playbook, launched 11 months ago, CareLineLive are thrilled to be included in its next iteration: the DIT’s #beyond100 UK Digital Health Playbook. The DIT’s #Beyond100 Playbook promotes 160...
by Marie Page | Case Studies
This is a guest blog by Verina Daly, owner of Verina Daly Care, a Hampshire-based home care agency and a customer of CareLineLive “We started using CareLineLive nearly 3 years ago and I knew that going digital would result in a number of different...
by Marie Page | Home Care Hero
Fran from Care m U m won our Star Carer award as she is an exceptional, amazing, carer who is kind, compassionate and customer focussed. She goes the extra mile and customers are always full of praise for her efforts. Fran recently helped a lady who was in a very...
by Marie Page | Case Studies
We spoke to Katharine Clark, owner of Clark Care Services about why they chose CareLineLive and the main benefits they have enjoyed since using CareLineLive. Clark Care Services provide personal care to patients over 18 years old, they are 7 years old and work in...
by Marie Page | Home Care Hero
Sara from Maria’s Home Care Companions won our September Star Carer award for her empathy and understanding the importance of enabling clients to have independence, choice, and control in their lives. Sara joined the agency at the beginning of the pandemic so was...