CareFor and Ulysses (UDMS) were acquired by CareLineLive in 2023
The acquisition has helped create one of the strongest all-in-one home care management platforms in Europe with a formidable portfolio of product solutions for local authorities looking to tender their home care, reablement and supported living/building-based services.
In May 2024 we announced that we would be ceasing support for Ulysses/Newcare. CareFor remains a key part of the CareLineLive product suite and will continue to receive our full support. We are excited about it’s future and have invested a significant amount of time and resources into enhancing it’s functionality – testament to our long-term vision for the product which will continue to see new features and improvements in the coming months.
Ulysses/Newcare customers have been offered full support for a free migration to CareLineLive to benefit from it’s enhanced features and capabilities.

Both platforms have strong credentials which provide a comprehensive range of solutions for local authority providers.
CareLineLive has accreditations including NHS Data Security Protection (DSP) Toolkit, Cyber Essentials Plus, ISO 9001 and 27001. It has also achieved two PRSB (Professional Record Standards Body) standards – the Personalised Care and Support Plan Standard (the first organisation ever to achieve Level 3) and the About Me Standard.

CareLineLive’s software brings a range of options crucial to public sector requirements:
- NHSx Assured Supplier of Digital Social Care Records (DSCR) systems
- GP Connect integration is in the development pipeline together with an API that will help interoperability with other 3rd party systems
- Multi-factor authentication (MFA) available with CareLineLive for an additional layer of login security
- Customisable client observations created within CareLineLive and accessed for completion by care workers via the Carer Companion mobile app
- Client assessments and customisable client forms created and updated within CareLineLive and published for care workers to view via the Carer Companion mobile app
CareFor brings an impressive history of local authority contracts
Including a contract for 75+ care workers for Isle of Wight Council and a combined reablement and home care contract for some 130+ care workers and 160+ service users for Milton Keynes Council.

CareFor has particularly deep functionality in:
- Automated rota optimisation – our CAREBooster technology optimises resources to maximise visit capacity when assigning carers to clients each day. This can be geared towards maintaining continuity, minimising travel time or minimising the time to complete a set of bookings
- Azure Active directory integration enabling SSO (Single Sign On)
- Customisable eForms created within CareFor Desktop scheduling system and accessed for completion by care workers using the integrated mobile apps
- 2-way messaging between office staff and care workers and between office staff (e.g. visit notes and feedback)