Meet the Team: Sales Development Representative Jess Davies

The newest member of our sales team is SDR Jess Davies. She may be based in Somerset but is still very much part of the family. #WeAreHumans
Marie Page
2nd January 2024

Jess is one of our new recruits but she’s not exactly new to CareLineLive having worked on our account with a telesales agency in the past. We’re delighted to welcome her back to the CLL family.

What does a Sales Development Representative do?

I am on the front line meeting new people mainly on the phone but occasionally at trade shows and events and getting the word out about CareLineLive. I schedule demos for our amazing Sales team to show people our all-in-one home care management system.

Describe a typical day

A typical day will start with a sales team meeting and then I am doing what I love – talking to new people! Whether it be on the phone or via email. I can also spend some time on LinkedIn. No two days are the same.

Why did you join CareLineLive?

In my past work life I was working as a consultant for various clients. I worked with CareLineLive back in 2020 as Covid was hitting. I saw from an ‘outsider’ perspective how much the company cares for their customers, the home care industry and also their staff. So when Josh reached out to me after I was made redundant, I did not think twice about joining the team.

Best part of the job

Knowing that we can significantly help home care companies! I recently went to a seminar and met some of our customers who started using CareLineLive and they explained how much its already benefiting their company in the short time they have used it so far. They were beaming telling me this and I was so happy for them!

Worst part of the job

Hearing the hardship the health care industry is facing in terms of funding. It is so frustrating that I cannot do anything to help the funding issue.

What do you enjoy most about working at CareLineLive?

That I feel a part of the team even though I am 100% remote. I am hundreds of miles away from the team but the regular meetings and virtual socials make me feel included and that I am not working alone.

What is something that people in home care have to deal with that you want to help fix?

I could write an essay on this but I shall not bore you with pages of writings. Out of everything, I want to fix time constraints and the stress of having to complete it. For people working in home care there are not enough hours in the day and some software systems can be difficult to use and over complicated requiring multiple data entry. With CareLineLive it is clear, easy-to-use and streamlines processes. It increases efficiency and lets carers do what they do best – care!

Surprising or a fun fact about you

jess body shop at home
I am passionate about helping people find a self-care routine that makes them feel their best and I do this with The Body Shop at Home. I have been a leader with them for the past six years and its definitely my creative outlet. I love creating the video content for it on my YouTube channel, TikTok and Facebook Group. I get to do a lot of fun things by doing this too. I have been known to draw on faces with sharpie in a room of hundreds of people to demonstrate a product and I have an elf on the shelf called Brian who does various The Body Shop at Home adventures at Christmas too!


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